Using SureConnect with Zapier
SureConnect <> Zapier Integration
Verify your contacts and achieve a 30% or higher connect rate.
Intro to SureConnect Application on Zapier
Now you can use SureConnect Application on Zapier, which makes it super easy to verify your phone numbers directly from Zapier by utilizing 1000s of integrations.
The applications support the following Actions,
Validate Contacts – to perform basic phone number format checks (optional)
Verify Contacts – to submit contacts to SureConnect for verification
Get Verification Results – to fetch the submitted contact’s outcome from SureConnect
The application supports following Triggers,
Contacts Verified – activates when a contact is verified
We have also provided several templates, created with above Actions and Triggers to help you verify your contacts details from different sources like Google Sheet.
You can check out the application here.
SureConnect <> Zapier Integration - Google Sheet
How to integrate SureConnect with Zapier
To begin with, we would recommend using our Sample Google Sheet. Just “Make a copy” of the sample sheet and add contacts details there that needs to be verified.
Note, the sheet consist of input columns (grey headers) where you can add data (or create more cols of your own) and output columns (green headers) which will be updated by SureConnect. Also, by default the sheet contains some sample data for reference, which you can delete.
Next, we need the API keys from SureConnect. On SureConnect, go to "My Account" → "API" to copy your API Key. You can also regenerate it by clicking on the “Generate New API Key” button.

Moving on, we have provided SureConnect Zapier Templates for Google Sheet. For this, we need to create two zaps, one each from following templates. Here are the details,
Template 1 – Submit Contacts from Google Sheet to SureConnect. Template Link

Template 2 – Update Google Sheet with Verified Contacts. Template Link

Note, you only need to set up the Zaps once and make them active. And for any verifications in the future, all you need to do is to add contact details in your connected Google Sheet. SureConnect’s Zapier Integration will take care of everything else!
Let’s start with the first Template, you can begin with clicking on “Try this Template” option which will create a Zap for the template. Here are the modifications you need to do at step level,
Step 1 – Connect to your Google Drive and the copied Sample sheet. In “Trigger”>”Trigger Column”, make sure to select the “SureConnectTrigger” column. The intention here is to limit the triggers to only when this column contains a value (say, “TRUE”).
Step 2 – In the filter step, let’s add a setting so that trigger will only proceed if the value of the “SureConnectTrigger” is exactly “TRUE”

Step 3 – In the “Verify Contact” step, connect your account by using the SureConnect API key from above. Also, you need to update the “Action” tab by mapping fields required by SureConnect with the Columns present in Sheet. Example is shared below,

Step 4 – Finally in the “Action” tab of the last step, we can update the “Sureconnect Contact Unique Id” (from Step 3) in the “SureConnectContactUniqueId” field and the “Row ID” (from Step 1) in Row Number field. This will update the Google Sheet by adding the SureConnect unique id for the contact submitted for the verification.

And we are done with the first template, just “Publish” the template to make it live. Moving forward any new contact you add to the sheet (for which “SureConnectTrigger”==”TRUE”) will automatically get submitted to SureConnect for verification. The next step is to automate the process of fetching result once the verification is done. Let’s move on to the next template for this.
Here is how to setup template 2, which will automatically fetch the outcome details for the verified contacts and update the Google Sheets. Let’s go through it step by step,
Step 1 – In the “Contact Verified” SureConnect step, connect your account by using the SureConnect API key.
Step 2 – Same as above, in the “Get Verification Result” SureConnect step, begin with connecting your account by using the SureConnect API key. Next, just check if “SureConnect Contact Unique Id List” is mapped into the “Unique Contact IDs” field or not. This will prompt the step to fetch the outcomes results for completed contacts.

Step 3 – Next we need to iterate over each verified contact. For this, in the filter step, make sure we are looping over Unique Contact ID, Outcome and Status. Note that Status is optional and can be skipped.

Step 4 – Intuitively, for each verified contact, here we are trying to find the contact’s row in the original sheet. So to begin with, select the same “Spreadsheet” and “Worksheet” from the first template. Make sure to map the proper “SureConnectContactUniqueId” as Lookup Column and provide the respective loop in “Lookup value” (from Step 3) as shown below.

Step 5 – Finally in the last step, we need to update the details we want populated in the sheet. You can map the respective loop values (from Step 3) in the “SureConnectStatus” and “SureConnectOutcome” fields. Also, provide the "Row ID" identified (from Step 4).

And we are done with the second template, just “Publish” the template to make it live. Moving forward any contacts that are verified will be automatically fetched and the outcome details will be updated in the sheet.
It is highly recommended to use only one Google Sheet worksheet for all verifications per account. As the verification process depends on two Zaps, using multiple sheets could lead to a loss in updating the outcome result in relevant sheets.
You can turn on and off both of the Zaps as per your requirement. When you turn on Second zap again, it will automatically fetch all of the remaining contacts that are verified but not updated in the Sheet.
Please note that verification might take some time based on the length of your list and data availability.
You will also receive an email notification once the verification is completed. This could be a prompt to go back and check the sheet which should have all of the contact’s details updated in the Sheet.
Updated on: 01/07/2024
Thank you!